I really like the Alhambra pattern ... although, I must admit, it seems endless!!! I feel as though I've been knitting this for years. I'm using a sock weight silk/merino blend that I got off etsy and absolutely love. The copper and plum combination is even more gorgeous in real life. I usually do at least one pattern repeat in an evening (16 rows), but honestly, it doesn't seem to be getting any longer. It's getting cooler here, so I would like to start wearing it!

Yuck, yuck and double yuck. I loved this yarn when I ordered it from Hello Yarn, but clearly, this wasn't the pattern I should have chosen. Now, I absolutely hate it ... all that work for this end result :P*****. It's been suggested that I could dye it and I have given that some thought ... perhaps a cranberry? Would you care to weight in? What are your thoughts? Or, does someone really love it and want to trade me some great yarn for it? I'm open to suggestions!

More pictures of Scotland ... above is what is commonly known in Scotland as a 'Heilin Coo' ... translation, a "Highland Cow" (actually, 'Bull', in this case). These things are hairy, massive and tres smelly. It was suggested that the fur could be spun into yarn, if I cared to and I could knit myself a sweater, but all I could think of was how I would smell on a rainy day, once it got a little wet. Blech!

Here we are, back in Eyemouth at the harbour's edge. Above are Jock & Jenny, with their 4 cygnets. It's a lovely story, really ... swans mate for life ... but one year, Jock came back by himself ... no Jenny. It was assumed that she met her demise. The next year, all were surprised to see Jock return with a new wife, also now called 'Jenny'. This year, they became the proud parents of 4 cygnets, who are now almost full grown and starting to grow their white feathers. The town has adopted them all and treat them as though they were their own.

I was walking along the pier, on my way into the village, when I spotted these fishermen and asked if I could take a photo. I love the quick Scottish wit ... without even a pause, the one on the right said 'yes', but that it would cost me 4 hours of "X.X.X" in return. It was on the tip of my tongue to suggest that the likelihood of him even lasting 20 minutes was slim, but I did want the picture after all, so all I said was "you'll have to speak to my husband about that"!!!

I could sit on the pier all day long and just watch the fishing boats coming and going ... you can always tell when they've got a big load of fish as the seagulls are swarming, looking for hand outs.
Lovely pictures!
I'd suggest trying a dye on your shawl. All that work really can't be put to waste, after all! I do that occasionally when I have to knit black socks. First I knit the socks in a lighter color (easier to see what I'm doing) and then I over-dye it black. You'll get a really lovely solid/variated color that way! The only thing to be careful for is if the dye requires a heat bath to set the color. That might cause the yarn to felt, so be aware!
The scarf is coming out really nice!!
Keep at it!! You will be wearing it soon! :o)
Mmmm, I love Ann Hanson's patterns. It looks like lovely yarn, who's the Etsy seller?
As for the Hello Yarn scarf, ouch. I admit this might not have been the best pattern choice... Bummer.
the yarn looks yummy. and so does scotland. the cow cracks me up. when we were in ireland we came across a cow with a toupee. i took it a picture and wish i knew where it was.
I agree that dying your shawl would be the right thing to do. I vote for cranberry.
God bless.
The Alhambra is going to be exquisite!
It's possible that you've already heard this (and if so, sorry... :) )..Canadian author Susanna Kearsley has written a charming wee novel set in Eyemouth, that features your swan story. Next time you need a cozy, slightly romance-y (but better - no bodice ripper, just a good tale) - check out 'The Shadowy Horses'
lovely pics!
Awesome pictures! I love the hairy coo!! They are such amazing animals! You are definitely right they smell though! hehe.
I'm loving your scarf - can't wait to see it done!
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